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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Garland

Allow it to grow in you!

Paul says, “as you spend time with God and allow the Holy Spirit to work in your life, certain qualities begin to grow in you.” The Fruit of the Spirit. So, with that being said, we see that we won't automatically develop the Fruit of the Spirit overnight. It comes gradually as we spend time with God through, prayer, fasting, reading the Word. Also putting into practice what the Holy Spirit provides: Love-Joy-Peace-Patience-Kindness-Goodness-Faithfulness-Gentleness-Self Control.

Trust your process. Don’t “front” for the approval of others. Go through your process. Let God develop you. God will produce His fruit through you when it’s time.

The Fruit of the Spirit should be obvious not obscure. Your fruit shouldn’t have to be found; it should flow naturally.


LOVE: I love everyone, thank you for loving me God.

JOY: Lord, grant me everlasting Joy.

PEACE: Lord, give me peace that surpasses my understanding.

PATIENCE: Lord, I need your patience to overtake me.

KINDNESS: I will strive to be kind even to those who are not kind to me.

GENEROSITY: Lord my heart is willing, and I want to help others.

FAITHFULNESS: I am faithful to you Father. I will be faithful to others. I will be dependable.

GENTLENESS: Help me to always act out of love and not from a place of frustration.

SELF CONTROL: I will resist the devil and all his tactics. Satan has no control over me.

GOODNESS: I will strive to be good to all.

MODESTY: Lord, keep me in a humble place. Remind me when I get to big headed!

Prayer: Father, I thank You that it’s You who makes us healthy. Thank You for providing such a rich soil of grace and truth for us to plant our lives into. Help me to remain planted in You and produce fruit that represents You. Amen.

Exercise: Examine your life and ask yourself if you display each of the fruit of the spirit? In the ways that you fall short, invite God through the Holy Spirit to change you to be more like his son, Jesus.

Scripture Reference:

John 15:8 This is to my father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

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