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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Garland

Physical Self-Care

Physical Self Care: is about strengthening the connection between the body and the mind. Such as eating well, getting enough sleep, taking your medications as prescribed, etc.

Why is Physical Self Care Important: There’s a lot of truth to the statement that you can’t really be good to others if you’re not good to yourself first. Take care of yourself so that you can be able to take care of those you love. You’ll have so much energy, and you’ll be such a joy to be around, that those people will benefit as well.

Questions to ask yourself?

· Are you getting adequate sleep?

· Is your diet fueling your body well?

· Are you taking charge of your health?

· Are you getting enough exercise?

Eat Healthy

  • Try to stay away from as many processed foods as you can. That basically means anything that’s frozen, comes in a can, or has been made in a way that has changed the composition of its nutrients.

  • Avoid heavily processed junk foods, such as potato chips, sodas, cookies, candy, and donuts.

  • Try to eat the “mainstays” of a healthy diet: fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

  • Eat as many natural foods as you can and prepare and cook your own meals – instead of relying on pre-packaged meals.

Get Moving

· Physical activity is key to good health

· Exercise 3 to 5 times a week.


· Getting enough hours of sleep is beneficial for your body, and it may help keep your mind sharp.

· Establish a regular sleep routine.

Stay Hydrated

· Water is critical to the regulation of a lot of body functions, including temperature. It also helps to keep your joints lubricated, and it even protects the spinal cord.

· Drink 64 ounces a day.

Take a Bath

· It is an amazing way to care for both your body and mind. A time to relax and unwind.

· Soaking our entire body in a bath or even just our hands or feet can really be beneficial. Especially when using warm water with Epsom salt, it helps to release tension and provide our body with magnesium which is helpful to mitigate muscle aches.

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