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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Garland

Spiritual Self-Care

Spiritual Self Care is about connecting your soul with God. Honoring God. It is important to become your best self as you find your purpose in life.

· Grow closer to God through prayer and Bible Study.

· Learn how to be at peace with your emotions, your place in this life, and your relationships, and become more aware of what makes you, YOU.

· Remove yourself from negative situations, remove negative people from your circle. Get rid of negative energy.

· Do something that makes you genuinely happy.

· Practice gratitude. Start your day with 3-5 positive things you’re hopeful for in your day and end your day with another 3-5 things you’re grateful for.

· Time alone in peace and quiet. Allow your body and your mind to rest and renew.

· Spend some time in nature. Spending time in nature can dramatically reduce your stress levels. If your feeling overwhelmed or stressed, take a walk in the park, sit by the ocean, etc.

· Unplug from technology so you will have more time to observe and reflect, better night’s sleep, better sense of self and needs.

· Practice forgiveness

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