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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Garland

Victory Over Covid!

Father God, in the name of Jesus, I come to you Jesus humble, thankful, blessed and honored to be your child. Lord, I thank you that I can have a relationship with you and to be in right standing with the father. Lord Jesus, I thank you for being with me always and never leaving me or forsaken me. You are a man of your word. I know you didn’t promise everyday would-be good days, but you promised you would be with me through it all. My recent battle with Covid 19 Lord I know this virus is not of you. I know it was an attack from the enemy against me and my whole family. I understand that you allow certain things to happen in my life to build my character, my faith etc. I understand I received your word through my dream that I would be healed prior to being hospitalized. Lord, I thank you for the hedge of protection you placed around me and you’re healing. The enemy tried to destroy me and my family, but you Lord God said NO!! My child, my children will be healed. All praises to you father for bringing me and my family out victorious. Thank you, God, for your healing power. You are faithful and so good to me and my family. I trust you lord. Total body healing for my entire family in Jesus Name. I bind and rebuke all spirits of infirmities trying to attack me and my family in the name of Jesus! I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over us all! Amen

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