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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Garland

Trusting God's Authority

We have at some point tempted to challenge God’s authority over our lives, wrongly believing that we can play a role for which He alone is suited. We often fail to trust His divine hand in our circumstances. Instead, we question His sovereign will. We try to steal the part for which only the creator God is fit. We try to make things happen in our own strength.

Resistance to God’s authority is nothing new. Jesus came down to earth in fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, throughout His ministry, He was unwelcomed by His own people. Israel had been waiting for the Messiah, but once He arrived, they questioned His authority, and rejected His identity. They knew these prophecies, yet they were blind to their fulfillment.

In our own sinful nature, we didn’t want to receive the son whom God sent. We were inclined to live in darkness. We liked the darkness. But I thank God that we have come into the light and have embraced the Father as our Lord and Savior.

Every difficult situation, temptation, or struggle is an opportunity for me and you to exercise our faith and trust God to work all things together for our good.

We need to recognize that a difficult situation for me and you are a simple fix, an easy situation for God. Nothing is too complicated or hard for him.

A trustworthy friend is a treasure in this life. Your heavenly Father is that. God is full of loyal love that covers you at every moment. He is a strong shelter to run to in any storm of life. When you count on God, you can rest in his perfect peace, for he always does what he says he will do.

When you live with God at the center of your life, with Him playing the part that only He can you find that you are able joyfully and confidently to fulfill the role He has given you. To live out the life He has gifted you and the purpose for which He invited you onto the “stage”: a life spent enjoying, knowing, and serving Him.

Prayer: Steadfast one, thank you for never changing, not even for a moment. Thank you for remaining the same. Though my thoughts are swept in many different directions, you are steadfast in love and mercy. I give you my anxious thoughts. Teach me to trust you always. You are greater than my troubles, and you will not fail. Let your peace wrap around me today. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.

Scripture Reference

John 1:11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.

John 3:19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.

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