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  • Writer's pictureDanielle Garland

Waiting on God's Timing

Have you ever followed that little voice that tells you to do something, and found out later it was really good you did? God’s word to us come in many forms, a gnawing feeling, a gentle nudge, a warm affirmation. At times, we read our bibles and know that we are being reminded, in Scripture, of something that needs to happen. These are ways that we hear from the Lord.

When we compare what we think to Scripture and follow his bidding instead of going our own way, our path becomes wide and well lit. it is a highway of righteousness instead of a difficult, bramble-filled path. When faced with our way or God’s way, we can rest assured that placing ourselves in God’s presence is always going to become the choice that bears great fruit.

The voice of Jehovah Rohi, the Divine Shepherd, may not always lead us to where we want to go or think we should go, but we can be confident that He knows our needs better than we know them. Perhaps, like sheep, our bleating protests and stubborn desire to turn aside to our “own way” (Isaiah 53:6) is simply a reflection of our sinful ignorance regarding the fact that the shepherd knows the way to “green pastures” and “still waters”- pastures and waters He will use to “restore our soul” (Psalms 23:2-3)

Testimony Time: I think back to when God placed the desire in my heart to be a homeowner. I was faced with several different paths I could take. My mind was all over the place as to what and how I should go about becoming a homeowner. I remember praying and asking God how to etc.… When I submitted my plans to him. He said two things on different occasions while I was in the secret place of prayer. The 1st time he spoke he said, “I will provide the resources” and the next time he said, “Don’t put a limit on what I can do.” So, friend trust that God hears you and he has a plan. Trust and obey him. Unfortunately for me the enemy came in and provided two paths (counterfeit). Both of them was the opposite of what God had spoken to me. I was so wrapped up in becoming a homeowner by any means necessary. I learned the hard way friends. I caused myself so much grief, worry, stress and disappointment following those paths that went against what God had spoken. The first path had a limitation on the amount of loan I could get! God had said “Don’t put a limit on what he can do” … the 2nd path was a restriction on what type of area I could purchase in! All red flags that I should have noticed but I was blinded. So, throughout those two scenarios I have learned to trust what God has spoken! If anything goes against what he has already said it is not from him.

Important keys to remember when waiting on God:

· How you wait will determine how long you wait. Worrying and complaining can hinder the process. Choose to trust God and cast all your cares upon Him.

· Stand firm on the promises of God. What has God promised you?

· Ask God to hide you under the shadow of his wings and not let you walk into where he is taking you before your appointed time.

· Trust in the Lord and do not look back, the more you look back, the more you’ll start to desire the things that God is trying to take you from.

· Know that God promises to establish your plans. He will guide your heart in the way you should go, and the plans you should make.

· When you don’t know what the future holds, it helps to talk to the one who does.

When God say’s No! Closed Doors!!

1. God’s way of saying this is not my plan.

2. God is saying this is not your room.

3. God is saying this is not the perfect time.

4. Obedience is required.

Prayer: Holy God, you always provide a light for me, to direct me and guide me on the path which you have chosen as the best way for me to go. I lift up your name in praise today, knowing that I can fully depend on you to show me your way. I thank you for your wisdom which stretches even into the future in order to guide and direct me toward my best possible outcome. I love you; Lord God and I want to know how to follow you better. May your glory and goodness overshadow my doubts and confusion. Break through all my questions and show me the path toward life, peace and love. I repent for times when I have pursued my ways over your ways. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


1. Ask the Lord “Where is the good way?”

2. Ask the Lord “Where is the ancient path I should take?”

3. What big plans are you making right now? Ask God if your plans align with his.

4. Did you pause and ask God what plans he has for you?

Scripture Reference

Jeremiah 6:16 This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’

Psalms 27:14 Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.

Psalms 86:11 Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.

Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.

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